All American is Hoodie's fourth EP, but the first record with a price. Not often do you see a solo artist, with no record label become number one in the nation so it wasn't a surprise when his name began spreading throughout high schools and college campuses. Hoodie is a rap artist with no record label so when his album was number one on iTunes for the first few days, everyone was amazed. Just a few weeks ago Hoodie Allen's new album All American was released nation wide. Hoodie should be an example for other small artists hoping to make it big some day get a dedicated fan base and the sky is the limit. Hoodie is dedicated to pleasing his fans because he knows WE are the reason he made it big, especially with his new album All American, and he knows that. I saw his show in Boston at the Middle East last summer and like always he came outside after the show and met, took pictures, and signed shirts, tickets, etc. I'm an old time fan, I've enjoyed his music since I stumbled across his third album "Pep Rally" a fews years ago and I've been a dedicated fan ever since. He took pictures and talked to fans until Mike Posner took the stage like he promises all his fans he will do. As always, Hoodie made time to meet with all his fans after the show. Hoodie still got about an hour of stage time and performed his first hit "You Are Not a Robot" but unfortunately got kicked off the stage before he could play his new single "No Interruption". The majority of people there were for Hoodie's performance and after he left the stage the majority of people cleared out sadly. Though the riverfront was not packed to capacity, there was a good turnout for Hoodie. Hoodie was the opener for Mike Posner, who may have been cooler than Hoodie three years ago, but lets just say Marist got the wrong person headlining. Just yesterday my favorite artist, Hoodie Allen, performed at my school down at the riverfront. Hopefully this will be the last time Hoodie has to postpone his shows and he will stay healthy to draw in the Hoodiemob that is awaiting for him to come to their city. Luckily, even though he cancelled three shows this week, he still managed to make an appearance at Marist April 29th and he seemed like he was rested and ready to go for his busy tour coming up these next few weeks. He tweeted earlier in the week that three shows will be postponed, not cancelled, and he will rest up and get back on the road shortly. So with all that stress on his voice as well as being on the move constantly, Hoodie's voice has been compromised. Since then he has been out performing and promoting the album and has made appearances on many radio stations as well as being a guest in one of College Humor's originals, Jake and Amir. Hoodie has been under a lot of stress recently since his release of his new album All American which came out on April 10th. Unfortunately, just this week Hoodie postponed three of his big shows (Detroit, Toranto, and West Chester) due to his voice issues. The raps are still catchy as his other work, but we see a more vulnerable, broken side of hoodie and with Jhameel doing the female harmony, this song hits every female fan of Hoodie's and we all wish we were the girl in the video.
#Hoodie allen no interruption single Patch
The song is about a particular girl who he loves, but is in a rough patch and the music video tells their story. 'No Faith in Brooklyn' slows it down a bit and we see Hoodie's romantic side.

With Hoodie's second hit from his album All American, we see a different side of him. The chorus is a bit raunchy, but girls love it nonetheless.

The lyrics are relatable and catchy (like all his other lyrics) and it is an all original song. 'No Interruption' is Hoodie's first single off his All American EP.

No one really knows why it is titled after the actor James Franco or what he has to do with the song at all, but its catchy and the music video is very funny so no one really questions Hoodie. 'James Franco' is just one of those songs you'll find yourself rapping to yourself while shopping at the grocery store. I promise this song will be stuck in your head after just one listen and you will be singing along with Hoodie by your fifth play. His first big hit in 2010 that made him a youtube sensation is 'You Are Not a Robot' which samples the Marina and the Diamonds song 'I Am Not a Robot'. If you're new to Hoodie and have never listened to his music before, here are a few songs to get you started. With his witty lyrics and catchy beats, you'll have him stuck in your head all day long.
#Hoodie allen no interruption single mac
If you enjoy artists such as Mac Miller and Sammy Adams, you will most likely love the sounds of Hoodie Allen.